The Toronto Region Board of Trade’s policy agenda champions our members’ priorities, bringing them to the fore amongst those with the power to drive change.
Empowered by meaningful, long-time and collaborative relationships with all three orders of government, the Board mobilizes its expertise around new and emerging issues relevant to the business community – using evidence, research and consultations to craft thought provoking, and insightful recommendations.
OUR VISION: A Toronto region that is one of the most competitive and sought-after business regions in the world.
OUR MISSION: To be a catalyst for a vibrant, globally competitive Toronto Region business community.
OUR MANDATE: Drive economic growth/prosperity in the region using evidence-based policy, advocacy, and place-based initiatives.
We do this by convening leaders, connecting businesses, and championing cross-sectoral solutions to overcome the current fragmented approach limiting the Region’s competitiveness.
The Board delivers impact through policy initiatives that:
Champion business growth - Creating an ecosystem that reduces regulatory barriers and enables businesses to scale and grow
Advance Competitiveness - Building the infrastructure, connectivity, and workforce to enable a thriving and livable clean regional economy
Improve Productivity - Tackle the productivity gap by catalyzing technology adoption and commercialization to attract and incentivize business investment
Members drive our agenda
Forming the backbone for our ambitious policy efforts are the Board’s policy committees. These are comprised of industry leaders volunteering their expertise to advance high-impact enablers.
Our policy committees are shaped around the following priorities:

Helping strengthen the climate economy and maintain a sustainable, reliable and affordable energy system in the Toronto Region.

Helping improve the Region’s reputation for innovation and technology adoption.

Helping facilitate a diverse, competitive, inclusive and resilient talent ecosystem in the Region.

Helping improve the Region’s physical infrastructure and transit-oriented communities to keep pace with tremendous growth.