TRBOT offers unique membership choices and flexibility. You can choose the type of membership that best suits your organizational and professional needs to reach our 11,500+ members.

For Medium to Large-sized Businesses who want to be a catalyst in the creation of a vibrant economic Toronto region.

For Start-ups to Small Businesses who want to open doors and access to resources and tools to expand their business.
Our Impact
The Toronto Region Board of Trade acts as a catalyst for the region’s growth agenda, at home and on a global scale with our World Trade Centre Toronto franchise. We advocate for our members for policy change that drives the growth and competitiveness of the Toronto region.
We provide quality programming and expertise that will help you and your business grow.
11.5K+ Members
100+ Partners & Sponsors
250+ Events Per Year

Seneca Polytechnic
2023/2024 Member Benefits
Be a catalyst in the creation of a vibrant economic Toronto region. Your membership will open doors to new business opportunities and partnerships as well as providing exclusive access to industry events, data and resources that will be critical to you and your organization’s success.