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Your Catalyst for a Vibrant, Globally Competitive Region

A connected business community is the key to a stronger economy. Our success starts with you.

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A barge passing through a raised bridge on the great lakes.
A blue image with the TRBOT branding.

Convene. Connect. Champion. Supporting business since 1845.

One of the largest and most influential chambers of commerce in North America, we connect the business community through a constant flow of ideas, people and introductions. 

From policy advocacy that connects city builders with government and small business scale-up programs through the World Trade Centre Toronto, to networking events and professional development, what you need is what we provide.

More About Us



Our Principal Partners

Advocacy, Membership and Programs

Meeting the needs of businesses big and small is our specialty. Whether you need access to regional data and research, networking opportunities, or current initiatives, we provide a suite of services and programs to meet your rapidly changing needs. See a selection of our latest offerings:


A Roadmap for Growth

Disruption and innovation are two sides of the same coin. At the Board, we believe that every challenge is an opportunity and so each year we focus on key strategic initiatives that address local economic problems while carving a path for greater global competitiveness.

Programs & Networks

Help Grow Your Business

The World Trade Centre Toronto is the trade and business growth services arm of the Board, ready to build your relationships with trade services associations in 92 countries and 321 cities worldwide.


Growth Development Program (GDP)

Take a six-month journey for visionary SME founders and C-suite executives who are seeking to elevate their success.


Young Professionals Network (YPN)

YPN fosters professional development and networking opportunities for Toronto’s future leaders.

Partnering with the Board

Better Business Together

We are privileged to work with industry powerhouses to reach our goal of better business together. Our sponsors represent innovators and leaders in their sectors, and together we are making Toronto one of the most competitive and sought-after business regions in the world. 

By partnering with us, you will have opportunities to showcase thought leadership, expand your business network, and find creative ways to achieve your business objectives.

The opportunity to re-connect our people with our partners through the hybrid format Workplace Summit, was the catalyst we needed to enhance engagement post-pandemic.

 Shane Longmore, Accenture

Become a Member

Members get more. Exclusive events, discounts, increased networking, partnership opportunities and access to exclusive programs – it pays to join the TRBOT member community.
Man engaging in conversation with two women at a networking event.