The Toronto Region Board of Trade's Annual Dinner "Dare to Lead" is an opportunity to hear from thought leaders who have made a significant impact on business, society, and sustainability. The event will depart from the traditional keynote format, adopting a fast-paced forum featuring brief, insightful, engaging Toronto Talks from three exceptional speakers who Dare to Lead. Joining McCain on the stage are Claudette McGowan, CEO of Protexxa and co-founder, Firehood Inc., and Christian Weedbrook, CEO & Founder of Xanadu. McCain's address will offer attendees valuable insights into crisis management, sustainability, and effective leadership.
The Toronto Region Board of Trade is excited to announce Michael McCain as the third distinguished speaker at its upcoming Annual Dinner "Dare to Lead" on February 29. McCain, a renowned Canadian business leader and the Executive Chairman of Maple Leaf Foods, will share insights garnered from his remarkable career.
Over 24 years as CEO, McCain transformed Maple Leaf Foods into a focused company with an impressive growth trajectory – more than tripling the company’s market capitalization over 24 years as CEO. Under his watch, Maple Leaf Foods also became the world’s first major carbon-neutral food company, weathering a significant crisis to emerge stronger than ever.
His reputation as a role model for crisis management was solidified during the 2008 listeria outbreak when, as CEO of Maple Leaf Foods, he navigated the company through one of the most challenging periods in its history. His adept handling of the crisis earned him accolades and established him as a trusted figure in the business community.
Today, he continues to lead by spearheading a groundbreaking sustainability model that promises to reshape the landscape of food production and distribution as Maple Leaf’s executive chairman.
Don’t miss his insights from decades of leadership at the helm of an iconic Canadian company and from experience as a key member of the board of the Royal Bank of Canada, the American Meat Institute, and the board of trustees for the Hospital for Sick Children.
Secure your spot now at the Toronto Region Board of Trade's Annual Dinner "Dare to Lead" on February 29 for an evening of visionary leadership and thought-provoking discussions.

Annual Dinner 2024: Dare to Lead