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Profile Membership

For Start-ups, Micro and Small-sized Businesses with a growing team, evolving needs and the desire to reach a larger audience and thought leaders.

Annual Subscription of $1,600 + Applicable Taxes
2 men talking and laughing at an event


Profile membership is designed for those seeking to expand their network and grow their business.

✔ Networking and business development opportunities within our membership network.

✔ Discounted pricing to attend our exclusive member events and programs.

✔ Access for up to 25 employees to obtain and participate with TRBOT membership.


$1,600.00 + Applicable Taxes

For Start-ups, Micro and Small-sized Businesses with a growing team, evolving needs and the desire to reach a larger audience and thought leaders.

You will be asked to log in or create an account before purchasing.

Purchase Now

Connect. Convene. And Champion with our other Profile members:

  • Cadillac Fairview
  • Destination Toronto
  • Humber College
  • MaRS Discovery District
  • Menkes Developments Ltd.
  • Toronto Financial District BIA

And many more!


Profile membership provides you with more value in the form of reduced rates, promotions and exclusive ways to save.

Talk to us

Let's discuss membership today!

Let us help you decide which membership best fits your organization.

Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Dillon Consulting Limited (Opens in a new window) is a multi-disciplinary professional services firm with 23 offices across Canada. We are committed community-builders providing engineering, planning and environmental services at the local level. Our membership with the Toronto Region Board of Trade enables us to stay informed about workplace trends and provides us connection points to the business community in the Greater Toronto Area.”

Jen PetruniakExecutive Director, People at Dillon Consulting

Explore Corporate Memberships

Woman in red shaking hands with another person
Profile Plus Membership

For small to medium-sized businesses in a crucial growth phase, with opportunities that will put your brand and business in front of the prospects you seek.

2 women networking
Influence Membership

For medium to large-sized organizations who want to contribute to the development and success of the Toronto region business sector.

Woman and man talking to each other
Influencer Membership

For medium to large-sized organizations who want to play a significant role in shaping the future of business issues in the Toronto region.