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Mitacs, Influence member.

Christopher Dixon, Senior Advisor at Mitacs, collaborates with strategic partners to attract participants for innovative programs. 

Mitacs, a national not-for-profit organization, funds cutting-edge innovation, provides job opportunities for students and postdocs, and supports various organizations in Canada, including for-profit companies, NFPs, municipalities and hospitals.

Christopher is most proud of the new IBET Connect Award that provides $9,000 to fellows of the Indigenous and Black, Engineering & Technology PhD Project (IBET). It supports travel to another Canadian academic institution to build their network, while applying academic skills.

Christopher Dixon

Senior Advisor at Mitacs
Christopher Dixon, Mitacs

“We chose to be a member of TRBOT due to the position it puts us in to network with business leaders across the GTA as well as to contribute to policy positions the Board takes with regards to issues affecting the area. On a more personal note, TRBOT staff are always very friendly and professional, and the events they put on are always top-notch!”