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Climate Tech Breakfast Series: Can Nuclear Technology Superpower Ontario's Cleantech Economy?

Join us to explore the future of nuclear technology and how our region can lead in the global cleantech economy.

Member Price: $129 (Save $50)

Non-Member Price: $179

Presenting Partner: RBC

The TRBOT branding with an aqua and blue background.

The Quay - 100 Queens Quay East, 3rd Floor

In Person

Ontario's nuclear industry, a global leader for over 50 years, has powered the province, facilitated our transition off coal, and now generates more than half of Ontario's electricity. Ontario is experiencing a nuclear renaissance, with investments aimed at providing clean electricity for a growing population, new industries, and rapid electrification to combat climate change.

The Opportunity: Ontario's nuclear power is entering a new era with significant refurbishments at all three major stations. The first commercial small modular reactors in North America are being deployed at Darlington, and Bruce Power is planning a large-scale expansion to double its output.

The Challenge: How can we maximize the economic opportunities of our expanding nuclear industry? Beyond supplying clean electricity and creating high-quality jobs, a well-managed nuclear sector can support robust supply chains and foster cutting-edge research, creating local and export opportunities. 

Why Attend? As a business leader, this event is your gateway to capitalizing on the immense potential of Ontario’s nuclear industry. Here’s what you’ll gain: 

  • Strategic Insights & Leadership Perspectives: Learn about major nuclear projects and Ontario’s pioneering role in cutting-edge nuclear technologies from top experts. 

  • Supply Chain & Workforce Development: Discover how localizing supply chains can maximize economic benefits and understand strategies for cultivating a skilled workforce. 

  • Export Potential: Explore new avenues for international trade and export through Ontario's leadership in nuclear technology. 

This breakfast event is a unique opportunity to position your business at the forefront of a transformative industry. Connect with industry leaders, policymakers, and innovators shaping the future of clean energy and economic growth in Ontario. Join us to be a part of the conversation powering Ontario’s future. 

About the Climate Tech Breakfast Series

This is the third event in a three-part series focusing on key climate technologies where the Toronto region is poised to lead. We don’t want to be just resource providers or a ‘branch plant economy’; we want to be a place where innovations are developed, commercialized and deployed. Each event in this series will spotlight a climate technology where Ontario has a competitive edge: batteries & critical minerals, hydrogen, and small modular nuclear reactors. Join us as we bring together industry experts, policymakers and academics to explore strategies for economic growth and scaling within our region.